Monday, December 05, 2005

Off Finally!

It's the night of Dec. 5th. We've got an evening flight out of LAX (Uh, the horror!) to Cancun, and to avoid the nightmare of driving to that monstrous airport and parking for 14 days at sky high prices, we are lucky that our friend and Nicole's AFSCME coworker Hays Witt is taking us. Thanks Hays. Dude, you're the best. Thanks also to Lisa Hubbard, and to my mother Evelyn Sheppard for subsidizing part of our trip to the festival. And to my brother Joe for watching the dawgs.

So, we are finally off. We will be traveling for almost a day between lay overs etc. We are scheduled to arrive in Havana tomorrow Dec. 6th at midnight, Cuban party time. We will probably be exhausted and desperate to grab a cab and find our way to our casa particular, a private home we are renting a room for a few days while we situation ourselves and figure out the details of the film festival.

Okay, that's it. Visit back for more details.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for making the blog! It will be so exciting to follow you and Nicole in Cuba. I am very proud of the both of you!!

Cheers! Lynn

6:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This will be one of those memorable experiences that become stories'legends for your friends, kids, and grandkids. What a great time this is for you both!

May the sun shine and the goddesses beam on you throughout this great adventure!
Love you both. Mami/Marlene

6:06 PM  

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